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Cake Day
Nov 26
Other Scottish Country Dances for this Day
Today's Musings, History & Folklore
"Let them eat brioche!" ~ Marie Antoinette (allegedly)
“Qu’ils mangent de la brioche!” or “Let them eat cake!” is perhaps the most famous quote about cake ever, attributed (most likely falsely) to Marie Antoinette herself, which she supposedly uttered upon being informed that the peasants were so poor that they had no bread to eat during one of the famines that occurred in France during the reign of her husband, Louis XVI. 🍰
Anna's Wedding Cake
It's Cake Day!
“Qu’ils mangent de la brioche!” or “Let them eat cake!” is perhaps the most famous quote about cake ever, attributed (most likely falsely) to Marie Antoinette herself, which she supposedly uttered upon being informed that the peasants were so poor that they had no bread to eat during one of the famines that occurred in France during the reign of her husband, Louis XVI.
Since antiquity, weddings customarily have been celebrated with a special cake. Ancient Roman wedding ceremonies were finalized by breaking a cake of wheat or barley over the bride’s head as a symbol of good fortune. The newly married couple then ate a few crumbs in a custom known as confarreatio - eating together. Afterwards, the wedding guests gathered up the crumbs as tokens of good luck.
After all the cakes were used up, the guests were supplied with handfuls of confetto, a sweet mixture of nuts, dried fruit, and honeyed almonds. Sweetmeats were both for eating and showering over the bride and groom.
This custom has been replaced by our modern ones of showering the bride and group with rice, flower petals, or colored paper as confetti.
To see an extensive list of cakes which have made a name for themselves - all types and countries - click the cakes painting by by Wayne Theibaud.
And to see the dance performed by the Silver State Dancers in 2013 at the Reno Celtic Celebration, see below!
Click the dance cribs or description below to link to a printable version of the dance!