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Alienstock graffiti between Hiko and Rachel, Nevada
Alien Encounter Day
Sep 20
Other Scottish Country Dances for this Day
Today's Musings, History & Folklore
"Dinna fash! Won't you join the dance, Clan MacAlien?"
Dinna Fash yourself, dance recruiters! There's plenty of potential new country dancers out there, if you just look! "Dinna fash" is a Scottish phrase that means "Don't worry" or "Don't fret." It's often used to reassure someone to not be concerned or upset about something. Good advice for today, the anniversary of the 2019 "Alienstock" event! In September of pre-pandemic 2019, college student Matty Roberts posted a massively viral Facebook event post, encouraging a march into restricted Area 51 in Nevada (an alleged and probable governmental and military research and containment site for crashed UFOs, recovered alien bodies, and all other sorts of goings-on that our overlords prefer we not fash ourselves about). The event's motto was “Storm Area 51,” because “They Can’t Stop All of Us!" Alas, the event fizzled out, but a music festival in a nearby town was planned instead as successor all who missed "Woodstock" in 1969. Even so, the United States doesn't have all the fun when it comes to alien encounters. Scotland is a favourite place for encounters of the 3rd kind. Some of the most well known include:
- The Robert Taylor Incident (1979): Near Dechmont Law in Livingston, forestry worker Robert Taylor reported encountering a dome-shaped craft and being attacked by spherical objects, leaving him unconscious. It’s one of Scotland’s most famous UFO cases.
- The Falkirk Triangle: An area between Stirling, Falkirk, and Bonnybridge, known for numerous UFO sightings since the 1990s. Bonnybridge has been dubbed the 'UFO capital of Scotland' due to the frequency of reports.
- The A70 Abduction (1992): Two men, Garry Wood and Colin Wright, reported being abducted by aliens while driving along the A70 road near Edinburgh. They claimed to have experienced lost time and vivid memories of being experimented on.
- The Fife Lights (1996): Multiple witnesses in Fife reported seeing strange, brightly lit objects moving erratically in the night sky over several months.
- The Pitlochry Encounter (2002): A woman walking near Pitlochry in Perthshire claimed to have seen a large triangular craft with lights, hovering silently in the sky.
So dinna fash! I'm sure these were just attempts by the Greys and Greens and other crypto-terrestrials to find the perfect dance group for exercise, community, and a bit of fun. But better tie down any loose sheep, just in case. Hybrids welcome! 🤪 👽 👾 💚 💚 💚
Dinna Fash
The Robert Taylor Incident (1979) is often considered Scotland’s most famous UFO encounter, and it remains one of the most intriguing cases worldwide due to its physical evidence and the credibility of the witness.
On November 9, 1979, Robert Taylor, a 61-year-old forestry worker, set out to inspect woodlands near Dechmont Law, a hill located in the town of Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland. The area was known for its dense forest and secluded atmosphere, providing a tranquil setting for Taylor’s routine work.
As he walked with his dog, Taylor came across an unusual sight in a clearing near the edge of the woods. According to Taylor, he saw a large, spherical object about 20 feet in diameter. The object appeared metallic, with a dark grey color and a rough, sandpaper-like surface. It was hovering just above the ground, and its shape resembled a flying dome or a "flying saucer." Surrounding the object was an eerie silence, which added to the surreal nature of the event.
As Taylor approached the craft to get a closer look, things took a bizarre turn. Two smaller spheres, each about 3 feet wide with protruding metal spikes, suddenly descended from the main craft. These spiked orbs rolled toward Taylor, and before he could react, they latched onto him. The orbs emitted a foul, acrid smell, which Taylor compared to "burnt brakes."
Taylor claimed that the spikes on these spheres caught his trousers, and he was physically dragged toward the larger object. At that moment, he lost consciousness. Taylor's next memory was waking up on the forest floor with a throbbing headache and no sign of the craft or the smaller spheres. Disoriented, he struggled to return to his truck, only to find it mysteriously unable to start. He was forced to walk the rest of the way home.
Upon arriving home, Taylor’s wife was shocked by his disheveled appearance and obvious distress. His clothes were torn, and he appeared to be in pain. After explaining the incident to his wife, they contacted the police and Taylor’s employer.
The police took the report seriously, which was unusual for UFO sightings at the time. Officers investigated the site of the encounter and discovered a set of strange marks in the ground. There were deep impressions, which seemed to match Taylor's description of the spiked orbs, as well as tracks resembling those made by heavy machinery. Despite the marks being consistent with Taylor's account, no vehicle or logical explanation could be found.
The police initially treated the case as an assault. Taylor's torn clothing, bruising, and the strange markings on the ground made it one of the rare UFO cases investigated as a criminal incident. Forensic analysis of Taylor’s clothing showed that the damage was consistent with his description of being dragged. However, no conclusive evidence could explain what had caused the encounter.
The Robert Taylor Incident has since become one of the most significant UFO sightings, not just in Scotland, but globally. Taylor was regarded as a reliable and credible individual, with no prior history of UFO interest or strange behavior, which lent weight to his testimony.
For more on Scotland's UFO encounters, click the kilted alien!
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