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Celtic Foot
Celtic Foot
Also known as:
Shoe Recommendations:
(your mileage may vary)
Since the second toe is usually the longest, shoes should chosen accordingly with respect to this length. This foot has an overall rectangular shape, so it’s best to avoid a tapered toe or more fitted shoes that pressure the toes. Rounded and wide toecaps that respect the shape of the longest toe(s) are better choices.
Foot Description - Does This Foot Description Fit?
The percentage of population with this type of foot is unknown. The Celtic foot is believed to be a variation of the Greek foot with toes of different lengths that don’t follow a strict descending order. A Celtic foot may have third or fourth toes that are about the same length as the big toe! Or the third, fourth, and fifth toes have a grouping of the same size. The small toe in this foot type may also be larger than in other foot shapes. Since the second toe is usually the longest, shoes should chosen accordingly with respect to this length. This foot has an overall rectangular shape, so it’s best to avoid a tapered toe or more fitted shoes that pressure the toes. Rounded toecaps that respect the shape of the longest toe(s) are better choices.
Just for Fun Foot Fortune-Telling
Those with this foot type are said to be very ambitious, though they may sometimes avoid responsibility. They are fun, entertaining, and engaging, while still retaining a childish and naïve quality.
Most likely to dance barefoot in the style of the ancestors!